Street Chic: Sofia Sanchez de Batek Wearing Woven Poncho


How to wear Chloe woven poncho, Sofia Sanchez de Batek wearing grey woven poncho, Paris Fashion Week street style fashion by
Sofia Sanchez de Batek


Poncho at first might seem a bit unmanageable and difficult to style. But poncho is great company to simple styling – plus gives beautiful swaying effect to the silhouette. Grey is very wearable option but do add a drop of color if you desire.

Sofia Sanchez de Batek whom we photographed in Paris styled her wild grey woven poncho with light cream mini dress, bare legs and high heeled lace-up boots that gave a very chic touch to her stylish look.


How to wear woven poncho, Sofia Sanchez de Batek wearing grey woven poncho, Paris Fashion Week street style fashion by

How to wear woven poncho, Sofia Sanchez de Batek wearing grey woven poncho, Paris Fashion Week street style fashion by

How to wear woven poncho, Sofia Sanchez de Batek wearing grey woven poncho, Paris Fashion Week street style fashion by

How to wear woven poncho, Sofia Sanchez de Batek wearing grey woven poncho, Paris Fashion Week street style fashion by

How to wear woven poncho, Sofia Sanchez de Batek wearing grey woven poncho, Paris Fashion Week street style fashion by

How to wear woven poncho, Sofia Sanchez de Batek wearing grey woven poncho, Paris Fashion Week street style fashion by

Here are few interesting models we located in popular webshops: selection includes grayish and natural shades, plus few bright, multicolored…



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