Get This Blogger Cool Leather Midi Skirt and Ankle Boots Look

This is a chic upgrade to midi skirt and ankle boots style

How to wear midi skirt and ankle boots. Get This Blogger Cool Leather Midi Skirt and Ankle Boots Look, street style look by stylish blogger and fashion entrepreneur Silvia García from Bartabacmode, Fashion blogger Silvia García from Bartabacmode photographed in Paris street style pfw Paris Fashion Week
Fashion blogger Silvia García from Bartabacmode photographed in Paris

Midi skirt and ankle boots have been a good pair for a very long time!

And this street style look by stylish blogger and fashion entrepreneur Silvia García from Bartabacmode » is here to prove it!

Though a midi skirt and ankle boots make a style staple in modern women’s wardrobe – why don’t you add a chic upgrade to the look with a leather skirt just like stylish Bartabacmode blogger did.

She beautifully paired it with a white shirt adding an elegant thin black bow.

Here are some ideas to get her look:

SHOP: Leather midi skirt

SHOP: Ankle Boots


Elegant Office Look with Leather Skirt and Turtleneck »

Where did you get that »


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